Die LOC.id-App macht herausfordernde Situation für Menschen mit Blindheit bedienbarer.

Your key
for more mobility in everyday life.

Based on Bluetooth technology, the LOC.id app searches the user's smartphone for suitable applications for the current situation and activates them directly. Together with specialists from the fields of public transportation, indoor navigation, traffic signals, construction sites, micromobility and elevator manufacturing, the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV) has launched this groundbreaking project, which unites all network partners and services with the founding of Smart Mobility Services GmbH. The goal is to expand mobility and true accessibility for the blind and visually impaired.

LOC.id Installation

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Telefon: +49 5252 915 4730 E-Mail: info@sms-start.de

Silke Meelker

Leo Völker